Convert my high potential into talent
Our solutions adapt to your profile and your challenges
What does high potential mean?
High potential is multidimensional and cannot be reduced to intellectual ability and giftedness alone.
Its evaluation must include, beyond intellectual abilities, dimensions such as creativity, emotional intelligence, cultural intelligence and critical thinking.
Interest and level of commitment in one or more fields of activity must also be taken into consideration.
Thus, beyond the simple IQ, areas of high potentiality in specific areas exist. They can be identified through specific aptitude tests, such as the Watson-Glaser III (which evaluates critical thinking) or the RANRA (which measures advanced numerical reasoning abilities).
Why assess potential?
Because a high potential is not a guarantee of professional success as it is not correlated to performance. Knowing the different dimensions of her-his potential and being aware of her-his atypicality enable a person to adjust his-her behaviour for a more balanced professional life.
We believe that high potential is dynamic and depends on intrinsic factors (aptitudes, interests, personality, commitment, etc.) and extrinsic factors (socio-cultural environment, social interactions, etc.).
Very often, the cognitive functioning of gifted people differs from the norm and leads to a discrepancy with the work environment, in particular. This gap is exacerbated by a lack of knowledge about oneself. A better understanding of their specificities enables them to turn their singularities into assets.
Our approach
As experts in the support of HiPo and gifted people we accompany you so that you can tame your difference and take full advantage of it.
Specializing in the assessment of professional potential, we do not conduct clinical assessments (IQ tests) but rather intellectual aptitude assessments that make it possible to measure specific areas of potential and also the conditions underlying the realization of potential such as emotional intelligence, creativity, etc. For any question of psychotherapy or IQ assessment, we invite you to consult the appropriate professionals: psychologists, neuropsychologists and psychiatrists. Yet, Talentizzy takes into account atypical profiles and accompanies them in the professional field.
Our support process is divided into two steps:
HiPo TEST Juniors
5 sessions (1 hour each), excl. tests
The "Test" phase consists of a multidimensional assessment in order to get to know you better and to identify in particular the assets and obstacles to the realisation of your potential:
First session: 1 session of 1 hour
5 psychometric tests including EQi 2.0 (Emotional Intelligence), Watson-Glaser III (Critical Thinking), RAVEN’s Advanced Progressive Matrices (APM III) and 2 aptitude tests or personality questionnaires chosen with you according to your needs.
Interview: 4 sessions of 1 hour each
Written feedback
The "Shape" phase is optional and must follow the "Test" phase.
It consists in tailor-made support, possibly combining coaching, advice and training, with the main objective of :
enabling you to acquire the tools & methods to achieve your potential, with a focus on managing your emotions;
defining a career path and studies that make sense for you.
The number of sessions (usually 3 to 9) will be determined by mutual agreement at the end of the "Test" phase.