Launch my career
The "Shape" phase is optional and must follow the "Test" phase.
Based on our T&S® methodology, it consists of tailor-made support.
As an indication, these sessions can cover the following themes:
Analysis of the job market
Elaboration of the career project
Help in mastering job search techniques (CV, cover letter, training for recruitment interviews)
Assistance with taking up a job/position
Our methodology
Adaptive, our ATS® (Adaptable Talent Solutions) methodology combines different modes of intervention (coaching, consulting, training) and is based on an integrative model (Solution Oriented Approach, Narrative Practices, Systemic).
Our fees
Like each person, each accompaniment is unique. The number of sessions will be determined with you according to your objectives. This is why, without a prior analysis of your request, it is not possible to pre-determine and therefore purchase these sessions online.
For your information, our price list is as follows:
1 "Shape" session (1 hour): 160SGD
3 "Shape" sessions (3 x 1h00): -10%, i.e. 432 SGD
6 "Shape" sessions (6 x 1 hour): -15%, i.e. 816 SGD
9 "Shape" sessions (9 x 1 hour): -20%, i.e. 1,152 SGD