Choose a job / training
SGD 1,476.00
From 16 years old
5 hours (excluding test-taking)
JOB EXPLORER combines a multidimensional evaluation phase of your potential followed by a coaching phase. It includes :
1 parent + student questionnaire
First consultation: 1 hour (including 30 minutes in the presence of the parents)
At least 8 psychometric tests chosen with you from our selection to assess:
your professional interests and preferred learning styles (e.g. Strong questionnaire)
intellectual abilities (e.g. RAVEN III APM , the 5 DAT tests …)
your personality (e.g. MBTI questionnaire)
your preferred learning styles (e.g. LSQ)
Feedback and exploration conversations of the professional project: 3 sessions of 1 hour
session: 1 hour (including 30 minutes with the parents)
Written report